
欢迎来到全球赌博十大网站!  We are glad your student has chosen to enroll at Rochester Community and Technical College.  Studies show that students who have a strong support system are more likely to be successful.  We hope this webpage will give you some resources to support your student on their educational journey.


Prior to registering for classes at 全球赌博十大网站, make sure you accompany your student on a campus tour or campus visit.  This helps you visualize where your student will be during the academic year and introduces you to all the support and services on campus.  报名参加校园参观.  Future dates are posted often, so if there’s not a date that works for you, check back often!

你有问题吗?? Or not sure where to start with the college process?  大学过渡顾问 are 全球赌博十大网站 staff who spend their time within specific, local high schools to assist students and their families through the entire college process.  如果你对全球赌博十大网站有疑问, or just the general college search, please seek them out in your high school’s guidance office.  Schools served include: Century High School, 约翰·马歇尔高中, 梅奥高中, 罗切斯特酒精度, 和霍桑教育中心.

Our staff in the Welcome and One Stop Center at 全球赌博十大网站 can also assist you and your student in person, 通过电子邮件, 或者通过电话.

Is your student looking to continue their athletic career at 全球赌博十大网站? 请填写 学生运动员的调查问卷 to ensure their  information is passed along to the appropriate coach.  If your student is not interested in collegiate athletics but still enjoys working out or playing intramural sports, you can still request to see the Sports Center on your campus tour.


There are many pathways that students can take to enroll at 全球赌博十大网站.  我们提供普通入学, 转移入学, 国际招生, and Post-Secondary Enrollment Options for high school.

Each option has slightly different requirements, but the online application for all students is FREE.  Students who have NEVER applied or enrolled at a Minnesota State College or University will have to create an account.  This account will generate a “starID,” which is their system identification.  The starID will follow them to any Minnesota State College and University.

Rochester Community and Technical College is an “open-access” college, allowing any student who can provide proof of a high school diploma or equivalent will be admitted.  一些申请人的选择, such as 国际招生 and PSEO admission, require additional paperwork before official admission to 全球赌博十大网站.  Please be timely with sending required paperwork as there are deadlines for international and PSEO admission.

Once students have completed the application process, they will receive a letter regarding their application status and next steps.  It will also provide information regarding their intended program as well as their TechID, their 全球赌博十大网站 identification number.  Both the starID and TechID are unique to each student and cannot be shared.


Student educational records are protected by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  This means that once students have completed the enrollment process, information cannot be released without the student’s consent.  这包括PSEO学生.  Age is not a factor in the FERPA policy, but enrollment at a post-secondary institution is covered.  Unless your student authorizes you to receive information (including financial aid status, 帐户余额, 成绩), you will NOT be able to make transactions on your student’s behalf.  在简介会上, more information will be presented to students and families regarding FERPA.

全球赌博十大网站录取!  …现在,?

First of all, celebrate with your student!  This is an achievement worth noting and we’re just as proud of your student. Once celebrations have subsided, your student should complete the enrollment process.

Students will receive more specific information about their next steps 通过电子邮件. Fall students will receive this information in late February/early March, while admitted Spring students will receive this information in October.